E-learning as a means to foster student understanding of traditional Chinese culture

Shing Fung TANG

Research output: Contribution to conferencePapers


The lecturer’s clear presentation and student understanding are the fundamentals of a lecture. However, things are often easier said than done. Subject such as “Chinese traditional culture” is an example. The module aims to foster students’ thinking in depth, i.e., to develop critical thinking on the basis of understanding. Due to various constraints, in particular the traditional way of student learning, the teaching of the module has been ineffective. On the whole, students were passive recipients of knowledge, unwilling to raise any questions and hardly provided any instant critical comments, let alone providing objective and critical arguments face-to-face. By incorporating computer-mediated communications in the teaching of the module, students obtained more opportunities for asking questions, discussing and practising critical thinking skills. Findings of this case yield supporting evidence for the claim that online facilities improve the learning culture, and as a result, enhance the teaching effectiveness.
Original languageEnglish
Publication statusPublished - May 2005
EventRedesigning Pedagogy: Research, Policy, Practice - National Institute of Education, Singapore
Duration: 30 May 200501 Jun 2005


ConferenceRedesigning Pedagogy: Research, Policy, Practice


Tang, S.-F. (2005, May). E-learning as a means to foster student understanding of traditional Chinese culture. Symposium conducted at Redesigning Pedagogy International Conference: Research, Policy, Practice, Singapore.


  • Teacher Education
  • Teacher Education and Professional Development


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