Drifting in and out of view: Autonomy and the social individual


Research output: Chapter in Book/Report/Conference proceedingChapters


The first part of the book examines theoretical tensions between the social and the individual in their approaches. The argument of this chapter is that autonomy, and Applied Linguistics more generally, is legitimately concerned with the development of individuals, but this concern needs to be underpinned by a well-grounded view of the autonomous individual as a social being. Copyright © 2013 Equinox Pub.
Original languageEnglish
Title of host publicationThe applied linguistic individual: Sociocultural approaches to identity, agency and autonomy
EditorsPhilip BENSON, Lucy COOKER
Place of PublicationBristol
ISBN (Electronic)9781781790694
ISBN (Print)9781908049384, 9781908049391
Publication statusPublished - 2013


Benson, P. (2013). Drifting in and out of view: Autonomy and the social individual. In Benson, P., & Cooker, L. (Eds.), The Applied linguistic individual: Sociocultural approaches to identity, agency and autonomy (pp.75-89). Sheffield: Equinox Publishing.


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