Do we need to repair the nerves when replanting distal finger amputations?

Clara WONG, Pak Cheong HO, Wing Lim TSE, Sally CHENG, King Chung Derwin CHAN, Leung Kim HUNG

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15 Citations (Scopus)


Distal replantation is an excellent model to study the results of nerve repair. We aim to demonstrate differences in aesthetic, sensory, and functional outcomes in fingertip replantation, with and without nerve repair. We recruited 28 fingers in 28 patients, who had successful distal replantation in 5 years. Half of the fingers had nerves repaired. Mean follow-up was 39 months. Symptoms of pain, numbness, cold intolerance, scar hypersensitivity, pulp atrophy, and weakness were reported. Nail width, pulp length, 2-point discrimination, SemmesWeinstein test, and power were evaluated. We used chi-square tests of independence to examine association between nerve repair and symptoms, and independent t tests and MannWhitney U tests to analyze difference between replantation with and without nerve repair according to objective results. Chi-square tests reviewed no significant association between nerve repair and symptoms. MannWhitney U tests showed no significant difference between the groups, with and without nerve repair. All fingers showed mean 2-point discrimination of 5.6 mm, and SemmesWeinstein test results of green in 3 fingers and blue in 17. There was no significant difference in overall outcomes in repairing nerve or not in distal finger replantation. Both groups had satisfactory outcomes. Possibly, spontaneous neurotization is present, and nerve repair is not necessary, which may help to shorten the operation time and decrease extensiveness of surgeries. Copyright © 2010 by Thieme Medical Publishers, Inc.
Original languageEnglish
Pages (from-to)347-354
JournalJournal of Reconstructive Microsurgery
Issue number5
Publication statusPublished - 2010


Wong, C., Ho, P. C., Tse, W. L., Cheng, S., Chan, D. K. C., & Hung, L. K. (2010). Do we need to repair the nerves when replanting distal finger amputations? Journal of Reconstructive Microsurgery, 26(5), 347-354. doi: 10.1055/s-0030-1249320


  • Distal replantation
  • Nerve repair
  • Fingertip sensation


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