Do different academic skills and IQ share the same genetic factor?

Suk Han Connie HO, Chor Ming Jason LO, Mo ZHENG, Catherine MCBRIDE, Bonnie Wing-Yin CHOW, Wai Lap Simpson WONG, Miu Yee Mary WAYE, Kwong Wai Richard CHOY, Richard K. OLSON

Research output: Contribution to conferencePapers

Original languageEnglish
Publication statusPublished - Jun 2017
EventThe 47th Behavior Genetics Annual Meeting - Oslo, Norway
Duration: 28 Jun 201701 Jul 2017


ConferenceThe 47th Behavior Genetics Annual Meeting


Ho, C. S.-H., Lo, J. C.-M., Zheng, M., McBride, C., Chow, B. W. Y., Wong, S. W. L., et al. (2017, June). Do different academic skills and IQ share the same genetic factor? Paper presented at the 47th Behavior Genetics Annual Meeting, Oslo, Norway.