DNA polymorphisms of apolipoprotein B in the population of Taiwan

June Hsieh WU, Ming-Shien WEN, Sing Kai LO, Delon WU

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17 Citations (Scopus)


Four apolipoprotein B (apoB) genetic polymorphisms, the AluI, XbaI, MspI and EcoRI restriction fragment length polymorphisms (RFLPs), were analyzed for 162 individuals in Taiwan by polymerase chain reaction. Allele frequency determination revealed that this population has 0.86 AluI⁻ (A⁻), 0.99 XbaI⁻ (X⁻), 1.0 MspI⁺ (M⁺), and 0.98 EcoRI⁺ (E⁺) alleles. Major genotypes were A⁻/A⁻ (0.75), X⁻/X⁻ (0.98), M⁺/M⁺ (1.0) and E⁺/E⁺ (0.96). There were 0.22 A⁻/A⁺, 0.02 X⁻/X⁺ and 0.04 E⁺/E⁻ heterozygous genotypes and one minor homozygous A⁺/A⁺ (0.03) genotype. The XbaI allele frequency is similar to that found in the Japanese population (XbaI⁻ 0.96), but is significantly different from that in Caucasians (XbaI⁻ 0.31-0.54). Significant differences (p < 0.001) between the Taiwanese and Caucasians were also observed for the AluI, EcoRI and MspI RFLP alleles of the apoB gene. More heterozygous genotypes are observed in Caucasians than in the Taiwanese. Copyright © 1993 Formosan Medical Association.
Original languageEnglish
Pages (from-to)330-335
JournalJournal of the Formosan Medical Association
Issue number4
Publication statusPublished - 1993


Wu, J. H., Wen, M.-S., Lo, S.-K., & Wu, D. (1993). DNA polymorphisms of apolipoprotein B in the population of Taiwan. Journal of the Formosan Medical Association, 92(4), 330-335.


  • Apolipoprotein B
  • Restriction fragment length polymorphism
  • Polymerase chain reaction
  • Allele frequency


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