Digital video for fostering self-reflection in an ePortfolio environment

Kwok Shing CHENG, Julianna CHAU

Research output: Contribution to journalArticlespeer-review

34 Citations (Scopus)


The ability to self-reflect is widely recognized as a desirable learner attribute that can induce deep learning. Advances in computer-mediated communication technologies have led to intense interest in higher education in exploring the potential of digital tools, particularly digital video, for fostering self-reflection. While there are reports pointing to the salutary effects of digital video on learners' reflective ability, a systematic inquiry into how digital video can be utilized to promote self-reflection in an ePortfolio context remains under-reported. In this paper, we pose two questions: (1) Do students have the confidence to create their own digital videos for reflection and do they find this activity relevant to their learning needs?; and (2) To what extent does digital video affect the level of self-reflection and the nature of peer feedback? Results from this small-scale exploratory case study provide evidence in support of video use as a reflective tool in an ePortfolio context and highlight the need for considering pedagogical and technological issues that are of significance for teachers, educators and ePortfolio developers. Copyright © 2009 Taylor & Francis Group, an informa business.
Original languageEnglish
Pages (from-to)337-350
JournalLearning, Media and Technology
Issue number4
Publication statusPublished - Dec 2009


Cheng, G., & Chau, J. (2009). Digital video for fostering self-reflection in an ePortfolio environment. Learning, Media and Technology, 34(4), 337-350.


  • Digital video
  • Reflection
  • Peer feedback
  • ePortfolio


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