Digital storytelling as an assessment tool in the primary school English language classrooms: Potentials & challenges

Siew-Khiaw LIM, Lee-Yong TAY, Yin-Kuan FONG, Cher Ping LIM

Research output: Chapter in Book/Report/Conference proceedingChapters


In the recent years, there has been a shift from traditional methods of classroom assessment to more flexible, alternative assessment formats that measure higher level thought processes (e.g., critical thinking), range of skills, and capabilities. Most assessment methods fulfil two assessment purposes - assessment of learning (summative assessment) and/or assessment for learning (formative assessment). The main distinction between these methods is that the former determines the status of learning and the latter aims to promote greater learning. This case study research outlines the issues on the fitness of purpose, validity, reliability, and equity in the use of digital storytelling approach as an alternative assessment for the lower primary pupils (i.e. aged 7 and 8) in an ICT-enriched learning environment. The findings imply the importance of a change in the epistemology of the teachers to focus on assessment to enhance pupils' learning than just a status check. It also calls for better planning, communication, and training among teachers. In addition, a balance of summative and formative approach of assessment might be necessary in a highly structured and efficient educational system that focuses on high-stake summative assessments. Copyright © 2009 by Asia-Pacific Society for Computers in Education (APSCE).
Original languageEnglish
Title of host publicationWorkshop proceedings of The 17th International Conference on Computers in Education
EditorsLam For KWOK, Siu Cheung KONG, Thatsanee CHAROENPORN, Tsukasa HIRASHIMA, Tomoko KOJIRI, Antonija MITROVIC, Hiroaki OGATA, Virach SORNLERTLAMVANICH, Thepchai SUPNITHI, Makiko TAKENAKA, Hiroyuki TARUMI, Choonhapong THAIUPATHUMP, Philips Fu Lee WANG, Fu Yun YU, Yuen Tak YU
Place of PublicationJhongli, Taiwan
PublisherAsia-Pacific Society for Computers in Education
ISBN (Print)9789868473553
Publication statusPublished - 2009


Lim, S.-K., Tay, L.-Y., Fong, Y.-K., & Lim, C.-P. (2009). Digital storytelling as an assessment tool in the primary school English language classrooms: Potentials & challenges. In L. F. Kwok, S. C. Kong, T. Charoenporn, T. Hirashima, T. Kojiri, A. Mitrovic, . . . Y. T. Yu (Eds.), Workshop proceedings of The 17th International Conference on Computers in Education (pp. 142-146). Jhongli, Taiwan: Asia-Pacific Society for Computers in Education.


  • Formative and summative assessment
  • ICT
  • Digital storytelling


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