Different secondary classroom communities in Hong Kong: Attributes of good practice in music education

Bo Wah LEUNG, Wai Ying Paulina WONG

Research output: Contribution to conferencePapers


Music curriculum reform in Hong Kong has been formally implemented since September 2006. Under such circumstances music teachers are to develop their school-based music curricula with regard to their specific teaching contexts. Generic skills are positive attitude and value should be developed by all Key Learning Areas including Arts and Music. This study expands on recent case study research which found four attributes of teacher quality in music teaching at a secondary school in Hong Kong (Leung & Wong, 2005). It aims to examine how music teachers in different types of Hong Kong schools implemented curriculum reform from September 2006. It focuses on the attributes of good practice in music teaching and learning in secondary schools, particularly the relationships between contextual factors, teacher quality, teaching strategies and learning outcomes. Three samples of different kinds of schools, namely, government schools, aided schools and direct-subsidy schools were invited to participate in this multiple-case study in which classroom observation and semi-structured interviews with teachers and students were conducted. Different contexts, teacher and student characteristics and their interrelationship are to be analyzed. The findings of this study will contribute to the quality of music education by revealing successful approaches to the design and implementation of school-based music curriculum, the attributes of teacher quality and student responses to learning under the reform changes.
Original languageEnglish
Publication statusPublished - 2007
EventAustralian Society for Music Education (ASME) XVI National Conference: Celebrating Musical Communities - Perth, Australia
Duration: 06 Jul 200710 Jul 2007


ConferenceAustralian Society for Music Education (ASME) XVI National Conference: Celebrating Musical Communities


Leung, B. W., & Wong, P. (2007, July). Different secondary classroom communities in Hong Kong: Attributes of good practice in music education. Paper presented at Australian Society for Music Education (ASME) XVI National Conference: Celebrating Musical Communities, Perth, Western Australia.


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