Different modes of field experience in teacher education programmes

Research output: Chapter in Book/Report/Conference proceedingChapters


Field Experience (FE) in teacher education programmes can take different forms and be visualized as a continuum ranging from being faculty-led university-based, common in Asian contexts, to a totally school-led school-based mode as in the UK context. Moreover, there are debates on the effectiveness of faculty-led FE. This chapter looks into the underpinning rationale and ways to enhance a faculty-led FE. Firstly, the backgrounds of the FE arrangements in Asian and the UK contexts are introduced. Secondly, issues related to school-led and faculty-led FE are examined. Finally, ways of enhancing the learning of student-teachers in faculty-led FE are examined. Copyright © 2016 Springer International Publishing Switzerland.
Original languageEnglish
Title of host publicationQuality and change in teacher education: Western and Chinese perspectives
EditorsJohn Chi-Kin LEE , Christopher DAY
Place of PublicationSwitzerland
ISBN (Print)9783319241371, 9783319241395
Publication statusPublished - 2016


Cheng, M. M.-H., & Lee, J. C.-K. (2016). Different modes of field experience in teacher education programmes. In J. C.-K. Lee, & C. Day (Eds.), Quality and change in teacher education: Western and Chinese perspectives (pp. 129-147). Switzerland: Springer.


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