Development of an integrative learning program for community dwelling old people with dementia

Thomas Kwok Shing WONG, Yunhua YANG, Jinghan CHEN, Carmen Ka Man LEE, Ying ZHOU, Liping JIANG, Qiubi TANG, Wai Yee Joanne CHUNG

Research output: Contribution to journalArticlespeer-review

2 Citations (Scopus)


Objective: to develop an integrative learning program for people with dementia. Method: a methodological study was conducted using Delphi technique to develop the learning program, followed by a feasibility test. An expert panel was invited to develop the integrative learning program based on the neuroplasticity and learning framework. A feasibility test was conducted to evaluate the implementation of the program in two centers after the training of personnel who run the program. Verbatim transcripts of case conferences were coded, analyzed, and collapsed into themes and sub-themes by consensus. Results: there was no indication for content modification during the period of program implementation. Qualitatively, the participating older adults showed improvement in communications, emotions, connectedness with self and others, and well-being. Conclusion: the integrative learning program was uneventfully implemented with promising results. The program is ready for full-scale research on its efficacy in multiple centers to obtain more robust evidence. Copyright © 2021 Revista Latino-Americana de Enfermagem.

Original languageEnglish
Article numbere3486
JournalRevista Latino-Americana de Enfermagem
Publication statusPublished - 2021


Wong, T. K. S., Yang, Y., Chen, J., Lee, C. K. M., Zhou, Y., Jiang, L., . . . Chung, J. W. Y. (2021). Development of an integrative learning program for community dwelling old people with dementia. Revista Latino-Americana de Enfermagem, 29. Retrieved from


  • Dementia
  • Neuroplasticity
  • Learning
  • Psychiatric nursing
  • Community health services
  • Nursing methodology research
  • Alt. title: Desarrollo de un programa de aprendizaje integrador para personas de edad avanzada con demencia que viven en la comunidad
  • Alt. title: Desenvolvimento de um programa de aprendizagem integrativa para idosos com demência residentes na comunidade


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