Development of a multimedia and interactive museum guide for the learning of visual arts appreciation and criticism

Cheung On TAM, Mau Wai NG

Research output: Contribution to journalArticlespeer-review


This paper reports on a project involving the development of a multimedia and interactive guide that can be used in museums for the learning of visual arts appreciation and criticism. A group of seven university students conducted in-depth studies of ten selected works exhibited at the Hong Kong Museum of Art. The students’ findings concerning these artworks were organized and transformed into relevant audio, visual and textual materials in the form of a portable individual interactive guide. The guide was made available to secondary school Visual Arts students visiting the museum. Constructive learning and contextual art appreciation are the guiding principles in the development of the guide. The content of the guide is divided into two areas: 1) background information on each artwork and 2) interactive learning activities. This guide is a collaborative effort between academics, the education sector and community cultural institutions, bringing benefits to each group of participants from these organizations. The paper ends with a discussion on the ways in which the guide can be improved and the benefits brought to project participants.
本文針對一項企劃案提出報告,該企劃案為博物館用的多媒體互動導覽指南之開發,用於學習視覺藝術欣賞與評論07位大學生選定香港藝術館(HongKong Museum of Art)展出的10件作品進行深入研究,他們將藝術品的相關 研究發現,以可攜式的個人互動導覽形式加以編排,並轉換成相關的聲音、視覺與文字資料,這項導覽指南將提供給學習視覺藝術的中學學生,在參觀博物館時使用。建構式學習與了解背景的藝術欣賞,是開發導覽指南所依循的指導原則。導覽指南的內容分成兩個領域:1)每件藝術品的背景資料,及2)互動 式的學習活動。此導覽指南是大學、教育部門與社區文化機構的合作成果,這些組織的參與者皆可受惠。文章最後將討論導覽指南的改良方式,以及企劃參與者可獲得的益處。 Copyright © 2012 NTAEC.
Original languageEnglish
Pages (from-to)57-97
JournalThe International Journal of Arts Education
Issue number1
Publication statusPublished - Jul 2012


Tam, C. O., & Ng, M. W. (2012). Development of a multimedia and interactive museum guide for the learning of visual arts appreciation and criticism. The International Journal of Arts Education, 10(1), 57-97.


  • Multimedia and interactive guide
  • Museum education
  • Visual arts teaching and learning
  • Mobile technology
  • Art appreciation and criticism
  • 多媒體互動導覽指南
  • 博物館教育
  • 視覺藝術的教學與學習
  • 行動科技
  • 藝術欣賞與評論
  • Alt. title: 博物館多媒體互動導覽指南之開發用以學習視覺藝術欣賞與評論


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