Development and directions of policies for early childhood education in Hong Kong and Taiwan

May Kay Maggie KOONG, Wai Kwan Gail YUEN, Mei Yung Hazel LAM, Nirmala RAO, Jin SUN, Sui Ngan Sharon NG, Siu Wai Kitty MA, Yvonne BECHER, Diana LEE, Carrie LAU, Li ZHANG, Chun Bong CHOW, Patrick IP, Peirong LIN

Research output: Contribution to conferencePapers

Original languageEnglish
Publication statusPublished - Jul 2013
Event65th OMEP World Assembly and Congress: “Enhancing the Development of Early Childhood Education: Opportunities and Quality” - Shanghai, China
Duration: 09 Jul 201313 Jul 2013


Conference65th OMEP World Assembly and Congress: “Enhancing the Development of Early Childhood Education: Opportunities and Quality”


Koong, M. K. M., Yuen, W. K. G., Lam, H. M. Y., Rao, N., Sun, J., Ng, S. S. N., et al. (2013, July). Development and directions of policies for early childhood education in Hong Kong and Taiwan. Paper presented at 65th OMEP World Assembly and Congress: “Enhancing the Development of Early Childhood Education: Opportunities and Quality”, Shanghai, China.