Developing the multi-level self-management capacity of school through intervention

Wing Ming Francis CHEUNG, Yin Cheong CHENG

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School-based management (SBM) has been an important worldwide school restructuring movement in the past thirty years. Cheng & Cheung (2001) confirmed that the multi-level self-management strengths of schools were positively related to the quality indicators of organizational performance, group social norms of teachers, and individual teacher job performances. This paper reports on the effects of an intervention program launched in four schools identified from Cheng & Cheung's (2001) study. Findings suggest that the action-group school originally with very low multi-level self-management capacity did develop its multi-level self-management capacity. In this paper, the intervention program will also be outlined. It is hoped that more focused intervention programs could be developed to facilitate effective implementation of SBM world-wide in the future.
過去三十年,校本管理一直是世界各地學校教育改革重要的一環。Cheng 和 Cheung (2001) 已印證了學校的多層面自我管理能力與組織效能、教師小組社群氣氛及其工作表現的關係。本文進一步報告一項發展學校自我管理能力的計劃,該計劃共有四所學校參加。研究結果顯示,行動組別的學校確能提升原本偏低的多層自我管理能力。文中亦簡介該計劃的設計,望能引發更多討論,促進世界各地的校本管理效能。 Copyright © 2003 香港中文大學香港教育研究所.
Original languageEnglish
Pages (from-to)69-99
JournalJournal of Basic Education
Issue number1
Publication statusPublished - 2003


Cheung, F. W.-M., & Cheng, Y.-C. (2003). Developing the multi-level self-management capacity of school through intervention. Journal of Basic Education, 12(1), 69-99.


  • Primary Education
  • Educational Policy and Management
  • Alt. title: 學校多層自我管理能力之發展


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