Decision making in funds utilization in primary schools: A case study

Wing Ming Francis CHEUNG

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Schools in the present school-based management movement are given a high degree of autonomy in funds utilization. The quality of related decision is therefore crucial to the effective functioning of schools. Responding to this, the present study aims to investigate the decision making process of funds utilization in primary schools. The sample of this case study is 5 aided primary schools, each with unique characteristics. Three different types of decision making process in funds utilization were identified. The first type is a very strict control decision making process without communication between the school heads and teachers. The second one is typified by a considerable degree of communication between the head and teachers prior to arriving at the final decisions. The last one is a loosely planned decision making process in which the head does not plan nor invites planning. All spendings are resulted from ad hoc requests of teachers. It is hoped that the findings of the study may provide insights for school administrators to reflect and choose their own decision making style in the present school-based management movement.
本研究結果是希望對學校行政人員有所啟發,使他們在決策時能作出反思及選擇一種適合其學校的決策模式。 Copyright © 1994 香港中文大學香港教育研究所.
Original languageEnglish
Pages (from-to)63-73
JournalJournal of Primary Education
Issue number1
Publication statusPublished - Nov 1994


Cheung, W.-M. (1994). Decision making in funds utilization in primary schools: A case study. Journal of Primary Education, 5(1), 63-73.


  • Decision making
  • Funds utilization
  • School-based management
  • Primary schools
  • Alt. title: 學校經費運用之決策:一個案研究


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