Data-logger applications in integrated science experiments

Chor Keung CHAN, Chi Fung HUI, Yau Yuen YEUNG, Pun Hon NG

Research output: Chapter in Book/Report/Conference proceedingChapters


Using data-logger is a trend in experimentation in science education. Its advantages are the relatively higher sensitivity for the measurement of very small changes in any physical quantity and the ability to monitor changes over a very short or a very long period of time. High sensitivity means that the duration of an experiment can be shortened, as we do not need to wait for significant changes. On adopting a data-logging system, the experimenter can accurately monitor fast changes without missing any data points (because of the high sampling rate of the hardware) and can save a lot of labor and time from monitoring slow changes because the computer can collect and store data automatically. However, these data collecting abilities are sometimes over-emphasized while the applications of data-logger in developing students’ investigation skills is overlooked. This paper uses the topic “Solubility” as an exemplary activity to show how to carry out a data-logging investigation activity rather then just simply collecting data. Copyright © 2000 Hong Kong Institute of Education.
Original languageEnglish
Title of host publicationScience technology education: Enhancing the quality of life through science & technology: Science & Technology Education Conference 2000 proceedings
EditorsKenneth S. VOLK , Wing-mui, Winnie SO , Gregory P. THOMAS
Place of PublicationHong Kong
PublisherThe Hong Kong Institute of Education, Education Dept., Hong Kong, Hong Kong Association for Science and Mathematics Education and Hong Kong Association for Design and Technology Education
ISBN (Print)962949056X
Publication statusPublished - 2000


Chan, C. K., Hui, C. F., Yeung, Y. Y., & Ng, P. H. (2000). Data-logger applications in integrated science experiments. In K. S. Volk, W.-M. W. So & G. P. Thomas (Eds.), Science technology education: Enhancing the quality of life through science & technology: Science & Technology Education Conference 2000 proceedings (pp. 277-283). Hong Kong: The Hong Kong Institute of Education, Education Dept., Hong Kong, Hong Kong Association for Science and Mathematics Education and Hong Kong Association for Design and Technology Education.


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