Dancing with chains: How does assessment-as-learning fit in China?

Hongling LAO, Zi YAN

Research output: Chapter in Book/Report/Conference proceedingChapters


In its recent assessment reform, China has been promoting formative assessment widely. How does assessment-as-learning, a branch of formative assessment, fit in an examination-oriented culture, such as China's? Assessment-as-learning aims to enhance learning through assessment tasks designed to provide students with learning opportunities. Are the features of assessment-as-learning in conflict with the examination-oriented culture that prioritises test performance over the development of long-term learning competency? To answer this question, in this chapter, we first discuss the nature of assessment-as-learning and highlight its position as a learning strategy instead of a competing assessment procedure. We then point out the potential of assessment-as-learning for enhancing both students' short-term test performance and long-term capacity development in an examination-oriented culture. Starting with a perception that teachers take a critical role in the implementation of assessment-as-learning, we have conducted a case study in a major city in China to explore teachers' conceptions of and practices relating to assessment-as-learning. We conclude with suggestions for future development of assessment-as-learning in order to better fit in the examination-oriented context. Copyright © 2022 selection and editorial matter, Zi Yan and Lan Yang; individual chapters, the contributors.
Original languageEnglish
Title of host publicationAssessment as learning: Maximising opportunities for student learning and achievement
EditorsZi YAN, Lan YANG
Place of PublicationOxon
ISBN (Electronic)9781003052081
ISBN (Print)9780367509972, 9780367509989
Publication statusPublished - 2022


Lao, H., & Yan, Z. (2022). Dancing with chains: How does assessment-as-learning fit in China? In Z. Yan & L. Yang (Eds.), Assessment as learning: Maximising opportunities for student learning and achievement (pp. 112-126). Oxon: Routledge.


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