Curriculum slippage and sustainable learning

Lina DONG, Robert Damian ADAMSON

Research output: Contribution to conferencePapers


Curriculum slippage refers to the reinterpretation of goals, contents and processes of learning at different phases of the implementation process. Slippage can adjust, distort or even subvert the original intentions of curriculum planners. This presentation reports on a study of (in)coherence in the College English Test (CET) in the People’s Republic of China. It compares key features and contents of the CET syllabus, popular textbooks and the assessment instruments, and finds significant variations across and within these curriculum products. The slippage creates dilemmas for the teachers and students. Which pedagogy and what learning is most effective for achieving the best assessment outcomes? To what extent should class time be devoted to aspects that are not likely to be assessed? Such disconnections could create barriers for sustained effective teaching and learning. This presentation is intended to stimulate discussion on what forms of “loose coherence” is desirable among the various curriculum products. Copyright © 2019 CESHK Spring Conference.
Original languageEnglish
Publication statusPublished - Mar 2019
EventComparative Education Society of Hong Kong Annual Conference 2019: Sustainable Development and Comparative Education: Goals, Reification and Heresies - The Education University of Hong Kong, Hong Kong
Duration: 16 Mar 201917 Mar 2019


ConferenceComparative Education Society of Hong Kong Annual Conference 2019: Sustainable Development and Comparative Education: Goals, Reification and Heresies
Abbreviated titleCESHK 2019
Country/TerritoryHong Kong


Dong, L., & Adamson, B. (2019, March). Curriculum slippage and sustainable learning. Paper presented at the CESHK Spring Conference 2019: Sustainable Development and Comparative Education: Goals, Reification and Heresies, The Education University of Hong Kong, Hong Kong, China.


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