Cultural policy and the transmission of traditional music in Japan

Research output: Chapter in Book/Report/Conference proceedingChapters


This chapter attempts to shed some light on Japan's cultural policy as the context within which the transmission of traditional music takes place. A special focus is on the place of shakuhachi music: The traditional nature of shakuhachi instruction, as well as recent changes in shakuhachi practice, are introduced, with particular attention being paid to: (a) the international context; (b) non-traditional community settings; and (c) the formal learning context in schools. Together, they reveal the different challenges and opportunities facing shakuhachi music in terms of its preservation, innovation and transformation. Implications for sustainable practices are discussed in relation to alternative pedagogies, approaches and places. Copyright © 2018 Springer International Publishing AG, part of Springer Nature.
Original languageEnglish
Title of host publicationTraditional musics in the modern world: Transmission, evolution, and challenges
EditorsBo-Wah LEUNG
Place of PublicationCham
ISBN (Electronic)9783319915999
ISBN (Print)9783319915982
Publication statusPublished - 2018


Matsunobu, K. (2018). Cultural policy and the transmission of traditional music in Japan. In B.-W. Leung (Ed.), Traditional musics in the modern world: Transmission, evolution, and challenges (pp. 41-56). Cham: Springer.


  • Cultural policy
  • Japanese music
  • Hogaku pedagogy
  • The shakuhachi
  • Sustainable practice


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