Cooperative learning in Hong Kong basic education: An overview

Kam Wing Paul CHAN

Research output: Contribution to conferencePapers


Cooperative learning is a powerful teaching strategy which exploits the diversified abilities of students to increase their own and each other’s cognitive and social performance, yet it has not been popularly adopted by teachers in Hong Kong basic education. The aim of the paper is to present an overview of cooperative learning in Hong Kong and suggest ways to enhance its development towards becoming a common part of the repertoires of Hong Kong teachers. The paper begins with a review of the government education documents related to basic education, local literature on cooperative learning including books and journal articles, and projects on cooperative learning funded by the Quality Education Fund. Then, some programmes of the largest teacher education provider in Hong Kong are scrutinised to assess whether student teachers are adequately prepared for employing cooperative learning in their teaching in schools, followed by a scrutiny of some in-service teacher professional development courses offered by the Education Bureau and the teacher education institution. Next, the paper moves to discuss the constraining factors affecting the use of cooperative learning in the basic education sectors. Finally, recommendations are made to enhance the development of cooperative learning in the local context of current education reform and the education policy on class size. It is hoped that the paper can assist educators and policy makers from elsewhere in contemplating how to promote cooperative learning in their own countries. The audience is encouraged to engage in partner talk as well as dialogue with the paper presenter.
Original languageEnglish
Publication statusPublished - 2008
EventCooperative Learning in Japan & the World: Celebration of the 30th Anniversary of IASCE - Nagoya, Japan
Duration: 06 Jun 200808 Jun 2008


ConferenceCooperative Learning in Japan & the World: Celebration of the 30th Anniversary of IASCE


Chan, K. W. (2008, June). Cooperative learning in Hong Kong basic education: An overview. Paper presented at the Cooperative Learning in Japan & the World: Celebration of the 30th Anniversary of IASCE, Nagoya, Japan.


  • Teacher Education and Professional Development


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