Contrasting deficits on executive functions in Chinese delinquent adolescents with attention deficit and hyperactivity disorder symptoms and/or reading disability

Kei Yan POON, Suk Han Connie HO

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11 Citations (Scopus)


Many studies reported high prevalence of reading disability (RD) and attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) among delinquent adolescents. Very few have examined their cognitive profile. The present study compared the executive functions (EFs) and severity of delinquency in delinquent adolescents with RD and/or ADHD symptoms (AS). Delinquents with AS (n = 29), RD (n = 24), comorbidity AS + RD (n = 35) were recruited from juvenile institutions along with typically developing controls (n = 29) from local schools; all completed EF assessments and self-report questionnaires on delinquency. Results showed that pure AS group exhibited impaired inhibition while the pure RD group was weak in processing speed and visual memory. The comorbidity group showed unique impairments in interference control and significantly higher delinquency severity. The present findings suggest that comorbidity AS + RD may influence delinquency severity. It also provides a more comprehensive picture of the unique EF deficits associated with different groups, allowing for better matching for future identification and intervention programme. Copyright © 2014 Elsevier Ltd.
Original languageEnglish
Pages (from-to)3046-3056
JournalResearch in Developmental Disabilities
Issue number11
Early online dateAug 2014
Publication statusPublished - 2014


Poon, K., & Ho, C. S.-H. (2014). Contrasting deficits on executive functions in Chinese delinquent adolescents with attention deficit and hyperactivity disorder symptoms and/or reading disability. Research in Developmental Disabilities, 35(11), 3046-3056.


  • Attention deficit/hyperactivity disorder
  • Reading disability
  • Comorbidity
  • Delinquent adolescents
  • Executive function


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