Contemporary Chinese men's experiences of changing masculinities: A case study of Chinese men teachers in Hong Kong

Yuk Yee Pattie LUK-FONG, Ching Leung LUNG, Ping Ho WONG

Research output: Contribution to conferencePapers


This paper presents initial findings from a project which focuses on the changing masculinities of Chinese primary school men teachers in Hong Kong, which is a stage II of the a project on Contemporary Chinese primary women teachers' experiences of changing femininities. In this paper, four life stories of men teachers, representing two generations of teachers, will be presented. Bhabha's (1994) concept of a "hybrid" or "in-between" culture - such as when a predominantly Chinese society experiences western colonization and continuing changes in public spheres and Giroux's (1992) notion of "border crossing" will be used as the guiding framework for this study. The research uses qualitative interviews in constructing life histories of men teachers. The paper will present snapshots of these four men teachers in the ways they navigate and experience their changing masculinities both in the primary school workplace and at home in their lived experiences. The four stories show a lot of hybridities and border crossing, creating both tensions and integrations for these men teachers. Implications of this study to teacher education and gender equity education will be discussed. This study will raise fundamental issues for teacher education and professional development of teachers in contexts of cultural shift associated with globalisation. It will also have implications for pedagogy for teaching of personal, social, sex and civic education in schools in the various Chinese communities.
Original languageEnglish
Publication statusPublished - 2007
EventRedesigning Pedagogy : Culture, Knowledge and Understanding - National Institute of Education, Singapore
Duration: 28 May 200730 May 2007


ConferenceRedesigning Pedagogy : Culture, Knowledge and Understanding


Luk-Fong, Y.-Y. P., Lung, C. L., & Wong, P. H. (2007, May). Contemporary Chinese men's experiences of changing masculinities: A case study of Chinese men teachers in Hong Kong. Paper presented at Redesigning Pedagogy International Conference: Culture, Knowledge and Understanding, Singapore.


  • Gender/Gay/Lesbian studies
  • Identity


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