Construction partnering process and associated critical success factors: Quantitative investigation

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This paper aims at examining a customized model of construction partnering in order to highlight the relationships between the critical success factors and individual partnering process stages. It used two surveys (a simple rating method and the analytic hierarchy process) to produce empirical evidence for identifying the critical success factors and the partnering process stages. Results suggest that this study is consistent with previous findings that a general partnering process consists of three stages (formation, application, and completion/reactivation). In addition, it reaffirms that there are critical common factors affecting the whole partnering process and critical functional factors influencing individual process stages. Specifically, the four critical common factors are top management support, open communication, effective coordination, and mutual trust. Also, the critical functional factors at the stage of partnering formation are team building, facilitator, and partnering agreement; those of partnering application are joint problem solving, adequate resources, and partnering goals' achievement; those of partnering reactivation (or strategic partnering) are partnering experience, continuous improvement, learning climate, and long-term commitment. Finally, the paper provides implications to practical application and future theory testing efforts. Copyright © 2002 ASCE.
Original languageEnglish
Pages (from-to)194-202
JournalJournal of Management in Engineering
Issue number4
Publication statusPublished - Oct 2002


Cheng, E. W. L., & Li, H. (2002). Construction partnering process and associated critical success factors: Quantitative investigation. Journal of Management in Engineering, 18(4), 194-202. doi: 10.1061/(ASCE)0742-597X(2002)18:4(194)


  • Ratings
  • Empirical equations
  • Surveying methods
  • Construction management
  • Team building
  • Agreements and treaties
  • Climates
  • Joints
  • Partnership
  • Construction


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