Computerised adaptive testing: Application and implications for teaching and learning in Indonesia

Muslem DUAD, Bor-Chen KUO, YUSRIZAL, Magdalena Mo Ching MOK

Research output: Chapter in Book/Report/Conference proceedingChapters


This chapter aimed to discuss the feasibility of embedding computerised adaptive testing (CAT) into Indonesia's teaching and learning and its implications. As a new testing system, CAT has demonstrated its advantages in assessing learning outcomes compared to paper-based tests. The system not only lessens administrative issues but also reduces measurement errors in estimating students' levels of achievement. Also, the system provides direct feedback to test-takers that can be used for remedial instruction. Indonesia, as the fourth most populous country and seventh widest geographical area in the world, has been facing a number of problems in administering national examinations. Since computer education is still not very popular among students and teachers, various steps should be taken to improve this situation. Such measures include integrating computer education into the national curriculum, upgrading teachers' competencies, intensifying computer use, providing more extracurricular programs on computer use and hiring additional computer teachers and technicians. The implication is that students' readiness for CAT would be enhanced. Its future application would minimise Indonesia's national examination problems as well as reduce measurement errors and improve the predictability of test results. In addition, teachers can use the feedback from test results to modify students' weaknesses. In this way, teaching and learning would be more on track as ultimate positive implications of adaptive testing. Copyright © 2018 selection and editorial matter, Kerry J. Kennedy and John Chi-Kin Lee; individual chapters, the contributors.
Original languageEnglish
Title of host publicationRoutledge international handbook of schools and schooling in Asia
EditorsKerry J. KENNEDY, John Chi-Kin LEE
Place of PublicationNew York
ISBN (Electronic)9781315694382
ISBN (Print)9781138908499
Publication statusPublished - 2018


Duad, M., Kuo, B.-C., Yusrizal, & Mok, M. M. C. (2018). Computerised adaptive testing: Application and implications for teaching and learning in Indonesia. In K. J. Kennedy & J. C.-K. Lee (Eds.), Routledge international handbook of schools and schooling in Asia (pp. 246-253). New York: Routledge.


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