Comparison on the students' ability of presenting counter examples and prospective teachers' ability of treating counter examples: A pilot study in Korea and Hong Kong

Kui Chiu Issic LEUNG, Hee Chan LEW, Tae Soen CHEON

Research output: Chapter in Book/Report/Conference proceedingChapters


Our research is to compare students’ ability of presenting counter examples between Korean students and Hong Kong students and prospective teachers’ ability of treating counter examples between Korean prospective teachers and Hong Kong prospective teachers. Our analysis suggests the methodological implication for mathematics education of two countries on how to improve teaching methodology dealing with counter examples in classrooms through investigating students’ and prospective teachers’ ability on applying counter-examples. Copyright © 2010 Issic K. C. Leung, Hee-Chan Lew & Tae Soen Cheon.
Original languageEnglish
Title of host publicationIn search of excellence in mathematics education: Proceedings: The 5th East Asia Regional conference on mathematics education (EARCOME 5)
EditorsYoshinori SHIMIZU , Yasuhiro SEKIGUCHI , Keiko HINO
Place of PublicationToyko
PublisherJapan Society of Mathematical Education
ISBN (Print)9784901291248
Publication statusPublished - 2010


Leung, I. K. C., Lew, H.-C., & Cheon, T. S. (2010). Comparison on the students' ability of presenting counter examples and prospective teachers' ability of treating counter examples: A pilot study in Korea and Hong Kong. In Y. Shimizu, Y. Sekiguchi, & K. Hino (Eds.), In search of excellence in mathematics education: Proceedings: The 5th East Asia Regional conference on mathematics education (EARCOME 5) (Vol. 2, pp. 747-754). Toyko: Japan Society of Mathematical Education.


  • Counter-examples
  • International comparison
  • High school students
  • Prospective teachers


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