Collaborative learning in group parent education: A case study of process and outcome

Lai Ha Freda YUEN, Wai Man KWONG, Ching Man LAM

Research output: Contribution to journalArticlespeer-review

1 Citation (Scopus)


Parent education was previously embedded within the nurture assumption (Lykken 2000, 640) which maintains that parenting is not a self-sufficient and self-sustaining act but is inherently directed towards the well-being and functional behavioral development of a child. Historically, parent education is influenced by the education model that emphasizes the process of training and developing knowledge, skills, mind and character. With personal parenting knowledge recognized as what parents know and upon which they think and act in parenting, parent educators must expand their locus of parent education to include the personal parenting knowledge and experience of learners. The research team set up a group parent education program, named ‘Self-learning in Parenthood’ which enables participants to examine and reflect collaboratively on their parenting experience within a group-based conversation. This paper studies the experiences and learning of the participants and re-examines the role of parent educator. Copyright © 2014 The International Journal of Early Childhood Learning.
Original languageEnglish
Pages (from-to)53-62
JournalThe International Journal of Early Childhood Learning
Issue number1
Publication statusPublished - 2014


Yuen, L. H. F., Kwong, W. M., & Lam, C. M. (2014). Collaborative learning in group parent education: A case study of process and outcome. The International Journal of Early Childhood Learning, 20(1), 53-62.


  • Parent education
  • Parenting
  • Teacher education
  • Teacher professional development


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