Collaborative intrusion detection in the era of IoT: Recent advances and challenges

Wenjuan LI, Weizhi MENG

Research output: Chapter in Book/Report/Conference proceedingChapters

2 Citations (Scopus)


Internet of Things (IoT) is currently transferring the conventional networks by allowing various devices to connect with each other, and the continued growth of IoT networks can benefit many organizations such as enterprises, consumers, and governments. Due to the distributed architecture of IoT networks, collaborative intrusion detection networks (CIDNs) are becoming a promising solution, which can deploy various detectors and allow them to exchange required information in order to enhance the detection performance. This chapter aims to survey the recent development of CINDs/networks in different disciplines. It then highlights some advanced insider attacks that may bypass the existing trust mechanisms and presents some promising solutions. The chapter also discusses existing open challenges and future directions in this area. IoT security threats have become more severe than ever; there is a demanding need for a strong, robust, and accurate CIDN/collaborative intrusion detection system/distributed intrusion detection system in practice. Copyright © 2022 John Wiley & Sons, Inc.

Original languageEnglish
Title of host publicationSecurity and privacy in the internet of things: Architectures, techniques, and applications
EditorsAli Ismail AWAD, Jemal ABAWAJY
Place of PublicationNew Jersey
ISBN (Electronic)9781119607755
ISBN (Print)9781119607748
Publication statusPublished - 2022


Li, W., & Meng, W. (2022). Collaborative intrusion detection in the era of IoT: Recent advances and challenges. In A. I. Awad & J. Abawajy (Eds.), Security and privacy in the internet of things: Architectures, techniques, and applications (pp. 123-149). Wiley.


  • Collaborative intrusion detection networks
  • Collaborative intrusion detection system
  • Distributed intrusion detection system
  • loT
  • Security threats


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