Collaboration of three educational parties in leading IT development in mathematics education

Lai Yin KWOK, K. Y. LAM, Christine Mei-yue TANG

Research output: Chapter in Book/Report/Conference proceedingChapters


Most IT researches in mathematics education are confined to classroom settings [5], ignoring the surrounding conditions for their practicality. In this paper, an innovative collaboration of three educational parties: teaching frontiers, curriculum developers and academic theorists, e.g.[1], are all involved.
The 3 authors endeavor to: (i) address pedagogical, teacher-training, policymaking problems when the parties are functioning separately without mutual adaptation at present and share value-dilemmas encountered by the three educational parties in Hong Kong; (ii) adopt and examine an integrated school (hybridizing ‘top-down’ and ‘down-up’) approach in perpetuating regionalised IT school culture in order to consolidate forthcoming school-based mathematics curricula in Hong Kong and even other Asian countries in the next century; (iii) discuss some activities on using various components of IT in teaching and learning mathematics in day-time lessons and after-school activities by the new approach. Copyright © 1999 Asian Technology Conference in Mathematics.
Original languageEnglish
Title of host publicationProceedings of the fourth Asian Technology Conference in Mathematics: December 17-21, 1999, Guangzhou, P.R. China
EditorsWei-Chi YANG
Place of PublicationBlacksburg, Va.
Publisher Asian Technology Conference in Mathematics
ISBN (Print)9579742022, 9789579742023
Publication statusPublished - 1999


Kwok, P. L. Y., Lam, K. Y., & Tang, C. M.-Y. (1999). Collaboration of three educational parties in leading IT development in mathematics education. In W.-C. Yang (Ed.), Proceedings of the fourth Asian Technology Conference in Mathematics: December 17-21, 1999, Guangzhou, P.R. China (pp. 42-51). Blacksburg, Va.: Asian Technology Conference in Mathematics.


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