Climate-induced conflict or hospice earth: The increasing importance of eco-socialism


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5 Citations (Scopus)


What are the implications of global climate change for peace and human welfare in the future? The answer depends on the actual effects of climate change and how the world responds to them. Current economic and political systems are unlikely to produce the policy and institutional changes needed to reduce adequately the greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions causing the problem, so some of the most dangerous effects of climate change could occur this century. Some observers posit that climate change will result in catastrophe, but specifics of this catastrophe range widely. Does climate change mean painful but manageable social disruption, requiring, for instance, populations to move and cities to be rebuilt? Or does climate change portend much worse, including major wars, the end of modern civilization or, incredibly, even the eventual extinction of humanity? If these more severe consequences are likely or possible, what kind of global society would be best able to survive, or at least cope? The answer may be found in eco-socialism and a ‘Hospice Earth’ that nurtures people and societies regardless of how bad the future becomes. Copyright © 2015 Taylor & Francis.
Original languageEnglish
Pages (from-to)237-243
JournalGlobal Change, Peace & Security: formerly Pacifica Review: Peace, Security & Global Change
Issue number2
Early online dateMar 2015
Publication statusPublished - 2015


Barkdull, J., & Harris, P. G. (2015). Climate-induced conflict or hospice earth: The increasing importance of eco-socialism. Global Change, Peace & Security: formerly Pacifica Review: Peace, Security & Global Change, 27(2), 237-243.


  • Peace studies
  • Climate change
  • Environment
  • Human security


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