Citizens’ confidence in government control of corruption: An empirical analysis

Hanyu XIAO, Ting GONG, Chilik YU, Wen-Jong JUANG, Baishun YUAN

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7 Citations (Scopus)


This study provides a nuanced and interactive analysis of institutional confidence in government. It investigates the drivers of institutional confidence by differentiating them into outcome-based and performance-based modes and examining the interaction between the two modes in influencing confidence levels. Drawing on survey data obtained from three Chinese cities, this study extends the two-dimensional analytical framework to examine public confidence in the government’s control of corruption. The study has the dual purpose of analyzing how citizens differ in their confidence in the government’s anti-corruption efforts and what factors influence their views. The findings indicate that citizens’ confidence in government control of corruption is affected by their perceptions of the level of existing corruption and by the extent to which they are satisfied with their government’s anti-corruption efforts. The findings also reveal that the public’s positive perceptions of anti-corruption performance moderate the negative impact that their perception of corruption has on their confidence in government control of corruption. Copyright © 2020 Springer Nature B.V.
Original languageEnglish
Pages (from-to)877-897
JournalSocial Indicators Research
Issue number3
Early online date10 Aug 2020
Publication statusPublished - Dec 2020


Xiao, H., Gong, T., Yu, C., Juang, W.‑J., & Yuan, B. (2020). Citizens’ confidence in government control of corruption: An empirical analysis. Social Indicators Research, 152(3), 877-897. doi: 10.1007/s11205-020-02456-y


  • Corruption
  • Confdence in the control of corruption
  • Perception of corruption
  • Institutional performance
  • China


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