China’s Belt and Road initiative: Developing “international talents” on the periphery

Robert Damian ADAMSON, Anwei FENG

Research output: Other contributionOther contributions


China’s ambitious Belt and Road initiative is designed to spread its economic and political influence across South, Central and Southeast Asia. Belt and Road comprises two broad routes linking China with Europe and envisages huge investment in infrastructure and human resources. To support the initiative, China has identified the need for education sectors to develop ‘International Talents’, who would require international perspectives, relevant language skills and intercultural competence.
This webinar explores the opportunities and challenges that Belt and Road generates for two different players on the periphery of mainstream education in China: a transnational higher education institution (The University of Nottingham Ningbo, China) and the education system of the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region. The opportunities stem from the presence of both on Chinese soil and their capacity to provide the requisite perspectives, skills and competence for ‘International Talents’, while their peripheral position presents a number of strategic challenges.
It concludes by outlining possible strategies for other peripheral and external agencies to participate in Belt and Road. It will be of particular interest to Australian TNE providers, given the opportunities and challenges of this country’s relationship with China. Copyright © 2018 Vimeo, Inc. All rights reserved.
Original languageEnglish
Publication statusPublished - 19 Jun 2018


Adamson, B., & Feng, A. (2018, June 19). China’s Belt and Road initiative: Developing “international talents” on the periphery [Webinar]. In the International Education Association of Australia (IEAA) webinar recording. Retrieved from


  • TDG project code: T0167
  • Period: TDG 2015-2016
  • Teaching Development Grant (TDG)
  • Teaching Development Grant (TDG) Output


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