Changing conceptions of teaching: A four-year learning journey for student teachers

Yan Ni Annie CHENG, Yee Fan Sylvia TANG, May Hung May CHENG

Research output: Contribution to journalArticlespeer-review

12 Citations (Scopus)


Understanding student teachers’ development of conceptions of teaching and learning is critical for teacher educators. Drawing from the findings of a four-year longitudinal study in Hong Kong, this paper examines the trajectories of the student teachers’ changing conceptions of teaching and learning approaches throughout their undergraduate programme. Three types of trajectories: guided touring, experiential detouring and self-guided touring, as the changes in both conceptions of teaching and learning approaches, are presented. The results suggest that three factors: faculty, learners’ attitudes towards learning and ability to integrate different learning resources, influenced the development of the student teachers’ trajectories. This study adds to the international body of knowledge on the interconnected development of conceptions of teaching and learning approaches. The paper concludes with the implications for teacher education. Copyright © 2015 Taylor & Francis.
Original languageEnglish
Pages (from-to)177-197
JournalTeachers and Teaching: Theory and Practice
Issue number2
Early online dateJul 2015
Publication statusPublished - 2016


Cheng, A. Y. N., Tang, S. Y. F., & Cheng, M. M. H. (2016). Changing conceptions of teaching: A four-year learning journey for student teachers. Teachers and Teaching: Theory and practice, 22(2), 177-197.


  • Conception of teaching
  • Student teachers
  • Pre-service teachers
  • Initial teacher education
  • Learning approach
  • Teaching practices


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