Cervical cancer survivors' perceived cognitive complaints and supportive care needs in mainland China: A qualitative study

Yingchun ZENG, Andy SK CHENG, Xiangyu LIU, Che Hin Chetwyn CHAN

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24 Citations (Scopus)


Objectives: This study explores Chinese cervical cancer survivors' perceived cognitive complaints and relevant supportive care needs after primary cancer treatment.

Design: This study utilised a qualitative research design. A semi-structured interview was used to probe cervical cancer patients’ perceived cognitive complaints and supportive care needs.

Setting: This study was conducted at a secondary cancer care centre located in South China.

Participants: 31 women with cervical cancer after primary cancer treatment, aged 18–60 years, were purposively selected using non-random sampling procedures.

Results: 31 cervical cancer survivors joined this study. Of these, 20 women (64.5%) reported cognitive complaints after cancer treatment. The most common complaint was loss of concentration (n=17, 85.0%). Perceived contributing factors to these cognitive complaints included chemotherapy (n=15, 75.0%) and ageing (n=8, 40.0%). These cognitive problems most commonly impacted daily living (n=20, 100%). Common supportive care needs included symptom management strategies (n=11, 55.0%) and counselling services (n=8, 40.0%).

Conclusion: This study adds new insight into the growing body of research on cognitive complaints by cancer survivors, in particular Chinese cervical cancer survivors. Improved understanding of cognitive complaints could subsequently facilitate the development of relevant therapeutic interventions for prevention as well as the provision of supportive care services, such as educational and counselling services, to reduce cognitive impairment in women with cervical cancer. Copyright © 2017 Article author(s) (or their employer(s) unless otherwise stated in the text of the article).

Original languageEnglish
Article numbere014078
JournalBMJ Open
Publication statusPublished - Jun 2017


Zeng, Y., Cheng, A. S. K., Liu, X., & Chan, C. C. H. (2017). Cervical cancer survivors' perceived cognitive complaints and supportive care needs in mainland China: A qualitative study. BMJ Open, 7. Retrieved from https://doi.org/10.1136/bmjopen-2016-014078


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