Case studies of integration in four Hong Kong schools

Christopher Robin DOWSON, Woon King Vivian HEUNG, Fuk Chuen HO, Sin Yee Angelina LAW, Kwok Fai Philip HUI, Yuk Yee Pattie LUK-FONG, Kuen Fung SIN, So Yue Ellen YIP-NG, Yuet Mui Celeste YUEN, Wing LIU, Ka Bo Alice CHAN

Research output: Contribution to conferencePapers


This paper reports on research through four case studies of Integrated Education in Hong Kong schools that aimed to provide a better understanding about the integration process, what the barriers are, how they might be overcome and how Integrated Education might further facilitate quality education. The study used five research questions that framed the results. Case Study methodology involving interviews, open-ended questionnaires, examining school documents, observations and their analyses was used. Findings led to a cross analysis which showed emergent commonalities and unique features. Results include findings that co-teaching led to effective teaching; parent involvement is a key factor, and social interaction and Whole School Approach schemes are very supportive of Integrated Education. Common teacher education needs were identified. Implications for education and research are made.
Original languageEnglish
Publication statusPublished - Aug 2003


Dowson, C., Heung, V., Ho, F. C., Hon Law, A., Hui, P., Luk, P., et al. (2003, August). Case studies of integration in four Hong Kong schools. Paper presented at the 10th European Association for Research on Learning and Instruction Biennial Conference: Improving Learning, Fostering the Will to Learn, Padova, Italy.


  • Teacher Education and Professional Development


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