Carbohydrate-electrolyte drink plus whey protein increase post-exercise rehydration

L. LI, S. H. WONG, Fenghua SUN, W. Y. HUANG

Research output: Contribution to conferencePapers


Purpose: The addition of proteins into traditional carbohydrate–sh;electrolyte (CE) sports drinks were more effective for post-exercise rehydration, however, inconsistent findings were also reported currently. By comparison of previous findings, the protein concentration in drinks would be an important factor affecting the effectiveness of rehydration. The purpose of this study was to examine the effects of different amounts of whey protein in CE drinks on post-exercise rehydration. Methods: Ten males completed four trials in a randomized cross-over design, a 4-h recovery was applied after a 60-min run at 65% VO2peak in each trial. During recovery, participants ingested either CE drink (66 g/L carbohydrate (CHO), CE trial), CE with high whey protein drink (33 g/L CHO & 33 g/L whey, CWH trial), CE with medium whey protein drink (44 g/L CHO & 22 g/L whey, CWM trial), or CE with low whey protein drink (51 g/L CHO & 15 g/L whey, CWL trial) in a volume equivalent to 150% of their body mass (BM) loss. The drinks were provided in six aliquots of equal volume every 30 min during recovery. The nude BM, urine and blood samples were measured before and after exercise, and during recovery. Data were analyzed using two-way ANOVA with repeated measures, the significant differences were determined using Bonferroni-adjusted Student's t test. Results: After exercise, participants achieved a BM loss of 2.17%±smn;0.06% in all trials. Urine production was less in CWM and CWH trials during recovery, which induced a greater fluid retention in CWM (51.0%±smn;5.7%) and CWH (55.4%±smn;3.8%) trials than any other trial (p<0.05). The plasma albumin content was increased in CWH trial and higher than CE trial at 2 (p<0.05) and 3 h (p<0.01) during recovery. The aldosterone concentration was lower in CE trial than CW-M and CW-H trials after recovery (p<0.05). Conclusions: The rehydration was better when whey protein was co-ingested with CE drink during a 4-h recovery after 60 min run. However, this additive effect was only occurred when the amount of whey protein was at least 22 g/L, and the increased albumin and aldosterone content would be the potential mechanism for the greater fluid retention. Copyright © 2018 ISBNPA.
Original languageEnglish
Publication statusPublished - Jun 2018
Event17th Annual Meeting of The International Society of Behavioral Nutrition and Physical Activity - , Hong Kong
Duration: 03 Jun 201806 Jun 2018


Conference17th Annual Meeting of The International Society of Behavioral Nutrition and Physical Activity
Abbreviated titleISBNPA 2018
Country/TerritoryHong Kong
Internet address


Li, L., Wong, S. H., Sun, F. H., & Huang, W. Y. (2018, June). Carbohydrate-electrolyte drink plus whey protein increase post-exercise rehydration. Paper presented at the ISBNPA 2018 Annual Meeting, Grand Hyatt and the Renaissance Harbour View Hotel, Hong Kong, China.


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