Brief critique on the design of "Accelerated schools" and its practicality in Hong Kong from both a leadership and cultural perspectives

Ping Yan CHOW

Research output: Contribution to journalArticlespeer-review


The “Hong Kong Accelerated Schools Project” has been initiated with the support from the Quality Education Fund since 1998. Whether it could be successfully implemented might be too early to be criticized. But before evaluating its effectiveness as a borrowing concept from the west, it is necessary to investigate how far this original school design approach has been initiated in the States and what we could perceive about the new idea from both a leadership and cultural perspectives with reference to some relevant literatures. This essay briefly describes the main tenets of the American school design of “Accelerated Schools”. Then the approach is critically discussed from both a leadership and cultural perspectives to see if the approach can work in Hong Kong schools. A short conclusion is drawn to sum up the analysis. Copyright © 2001 New Horizons in Education.
Original languageEnglish
Pages (from-to)91-100
JournalNew Horizons in Education
Publication statusPublished - May 2001


Chow, A. P.-Y. (2001). Brief critique on the design of "Accelerated schools" and its practicality in Hong Kong from both a leadership and cultural perspectives. New Horizons in Education, 43, 91-100.


  • School reforms
  • Hong Kong Accelerated Schools Project
  • Practicality
  • 從領導及文化觀點簡評《躍進學校》設計概念在香港實踐的可行性


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