Blue water: School leaders' professional learning guide: Principals' self-assessment scheme

Terry QUONG, Allan David WALKER, Hong Kong Principals' Institute

Research output: Book/ReportBooks


Blue Water is designed to support principals’ continuing professional developmet. As a self-assessment fuide, it aims to help principals to identify their learning needs in order to enhance their capabilities as school leaders. The list of capabilities used as the foundation of this guide is drawn from the Hong Kong Principals’ Institute Principal’ Capability Framework (2013). Copyright © 2015 Hong Kong Principals' Institute.
Original languageEnglish
Publication statusPublished - 2015


Quong, T., Walker, A., & Hong Kong Principals' Institute (2015). Blue water: School leaders' professional learning guide: Principals' self-assessment scheme. Hong Kong: [publisher not identified].


  • Educational leadership -- China -- Hong Kong
  • School principals -- Handbooks, manuals, etc
  • Alt. title:《Blue water: 學校領袖專業學習指引:校長自我評估計劃》


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