Blockchain-enabled humanitarian supply chain management: sustainability and responsibility

Bavly HANNA, Guandong XU, Xianzhi WANG, Jahangir HOSSAIN

Research output: Chapter in Book/Report/Conference proceedingChapters

3 Citations (Scopus)


Blockchain technology has lately garnered traction as a viable supply chain management system. This paper aims to create a complete theoretical framework for blockchain adoption in supply chain management by identifying the drivers and empirically analyzing their interdependencies and influence on adoption. This paper fills the present research gap on the Blockchain's potential implications for HSCM by proposing a theoretical framework built on the foundations of 10 organizational theories: social exchange theory, resource-based view, transaction cost theory, knowledge-based view, strategic choice theory, agency theory, institutional theory, systems theory, network theory, network perspective theory, and materials logistics theory. This theoretical framework can help decision-makers develop HSCM that can react adaptively to both desirable and undesirable changes (the agility angle), recuperate, and endure in the face of global shocks (short term and long term) accompanied by social and economic crises. Copyright © 2023 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.

Original languageEnglish
Title of host publicationBlockchain in a volatile-uncertain-complex-ambiguous world
Place of PublicationAmsterdam, Netherlands
ISBN (Print)9780323899635
Publication statusPublished - 2023


Hanna, B., Xu, G., Wang, X., & Hossain, J. (2023). Blockchain-enabled humanitarian supply chain management: sustainability and responsibility. In Blockchain in a volatile-uncertain-complex-ambiguous world (pp. 251-276). Elsevier.


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