Blending for education 2030: Enhancing higher education learning and teaching

Research output: Contribution to conferencePapers


The vision of Education 2030 is to transform lives through education by ensuring “inclusive and equitable quality education and promote lifelong learning opportunities for all” (United Nation’s Sustainable Development Goal 4). Universities face the challenges of enhancing quality of teaching and learning, improving equity, and increasing efficiency. Although digital technologies provide universities with the affordances to address these challenges, digital technologies per se are not the solution; it is about how these affordances are perceived and taken up by its academic and teaching staff. This keynote paper examines how universities could support these staff by blending their technology, pedagogy and content expertise to support students in achieving the learning outcomes that will enable them to be competent professionals, engaged intellectuals, lifelong learners and active and caring citizens. These inter-related support strategies include (1) community-based approach towards course and resource development; (2) clear and well-defined roles and responsibilities for supporting centres, offices and/or units; and (3) capacity building of academic and teaching staff. Copyright © 2017 Nanyang Technological University.
Original languageEnglish
Publication statusPublished - Feb 2017
EventNanyang Technological University Learning and Teaching Week - Nanyang Technological University, Western Water Catchment, Singapore
Duration: 01 Feb 201728 Feb 2017


OtherNanyang Technological University Learning and Teaching Week
CityWestern Water Catchment


Lim, C. P. (2017, February). Blending for education 2030: Enhancing higher education learning and teaching. Paper presented at the NTU Learning and Teaching Week 2017: The NTU student learning environment, Nanyang Technological University, Singapore.


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