Bidirectional relationships between children's executive functioning, visual skills, and word reading ability during the transition from kindergarten to primary school

Catrina LIU, Kevin Kien Hoa CHUNG, Wing Kai FUNG

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32 Citations (Scopus)


This longitudinal study investigated the bidirectional relationships between executive functioning (EF), visual skills, Chinese and English word reading abilities in children transitioning to primary school. A total of 165 children in Hong Kong were followed from the third year of kindergarten (Time 1) (mean age: 62.80 months, SD: 3.74) to the first year of primary school (Time 2) (mean age: 77.25 months, SD: 4.60). Assessments for measuring EF, visual skills, phonological awareness, morphological awareness, and Chinese and English word reading were administered to the children at the two time points. Results of cross-lagged panel analyses revealed that after age, phonological awareness, and morphological awareness were controlled, EF and visual skills exhibited a bidirectional relationship. Furthermore, EF and word reading in Chinese or English reciprocally predicted each other during the school transition period after other skills were controlled. However, visual skills and word reading in Chinese or English did not predict each other. These findings highlight the close associations between EF and visual skills as well as the importance of EF in learning to read Chinese and English in kindergarten and early primary school. Copyright © 2019 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.
Original languageEnglish
Article number101779
JournalContemporary Educational Psychology
Early online dateMay 2019
Publication statusPublished - Oct 2019


Liu, C., Chung, K. K. H., & Fung, W. K. (2019). Bidirectional relationships between children's executive functioning, visual skills, and word reading ability during the transition from kindergarten to primary school. Contemporary Educational Psychology, 59. Retrieved from


  • Executive functioning
  • Visual skills
  • Chinese word reading ability
  • English word reading ability
  • School transition
  • PG student publication


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