Bidirectional relationship between visual spatial skill and Chinese character reading in Chinese kindergartners: A crosslagged analysis

Dan LIN, Huilin SUN, Xiao ZHANG

Research output: Contribution to conferencePapers


The present research suggests mixed findings regarding the relationship between visual spatial skill and Chinese reading ability. In this longitudinal study, 106 kindergarteners in Hong Kong were tested on visual spatial skill and Chinese character reading ability in their first, second, and third years of kindergarten (K1, K2, and K3) with 12-month intervals between the three testing points. Cross-lagged path analysis showed a bidirectional relationship between visual spatial skill and Chinese character reading ability from K1 to K2. Children’s visual spatial skill in K1 predicted their reading ability in K2, and their reading ability in K1 explained the unique variance of visual spatial skill measured in K2. In total, it explained 19.4% (p < .01) and 35.8% (p < .001) variance of visual spatial skill at T2 and reading ability at T2. However, the bidirectional relationship diminished between K2 and K3. The results demonstrate the developmental course of the relationship between visual spatial skill and reading ability as well as the reciprocal.
Original languageEnglish
Publication statusPublished - Dec 2016
EventThe 16th International Conference on the Processing of East Asian Languages (ICPEAL) - Guangzhou, China
Duration: 08 Dec 201610 Dec 2016


ConferenceThe 16th International Conference on the Processing of East Asian Languages (ICPEAL)
Abbreviated titleICPEAL 2016


Lin, D., Sun. H., & Zhang, X. (2016, December). Bidirectional relationship between visual spatial skill and Chinese character reading in Chinese kindergartners: A crosslagged analysis. Paper presented at The 16th International Conference on the Processing of East Asian Languages (ICPEAL 2016), South China Normal University, Guangzhou, China.


  • Alt. title: Bidirectional relationship between visual skills and Chinese character reading: A crosslagged analysis in kindergartners


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