Best constant-stress accelerated life-test plans with multiple stress factors for one-shot device testing under a Weibull distribution

Narayanaswamy BALAKRISHNAN, Man Ho Alpha LING

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44 Citations (Scopus)


We discuss here the design of constant-stress accelerated life-tests for one-shot device testing by assuming a Weibull distribution as a lifetime model. Because there are no explicit expressions for the maximum likelihood estimators of the model parameters and their variances, we adopt the asymptotic approach here to develop an algorithm for the determination of optimal allocation of devices, inspection frequency, and the number of inspections at each stress level, by assuming a Weibull distribution with non-constant scale and shape parameters as the lifetime distribution. The asymptotic variance of the estimate of reliability of the device at a specified mission time is minimized subject to a pre-fixed experimental budget, and a termination time. Examples are provided to illustrate the proposed algorithm for the determination of the best test plan. A sensitivity analysis of the best test plan is also carried out to examine the effect of misspecification of the model parameters. Copyright © 2014 IEEE.

Original languageEnglish
Pages (from-to)944-952
JournalIEEE Transactions on Reliability
Issue number4
Publication statusPublished - Dec 2014


Balakrishnan, N., & Ling, M. H. (2014). Best constant-stress accelerated life-test plans with multiple stress factors for one-shot device testing under a Weibull distribution. IEEE Transactions on Reliability, 63(4), 944-952. doi: 10.1109/TR.2014.2336391


  • Accelerated life-test
  • Asymptotic variance
  • Best test plan
  • Censoring
  • Non-constant shape parameter
  • One-shot device
  • Reliability
  • Weibull distribution


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