Barriers to the implementation of Physical Education (PE) assessment in Hong Kong

Wan Ka CHAN, Kim Wai Raymond SUM, Kwok On LAU

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The Physical Education (PE) reform was suggested by the Hong Kong Government in 2000, in which formative and authentic assessment approaches were put forward. The purpose of this study is to evaluate the barriers to the implementation of PE assessment in Hong Kong secondary schools. The survey instrument, a questionnaire about barriers regarding PE assessment, were mailed to all secondary schools in Hong Kong (n=477). There were 205 schools (43%) that returned the questionnaire, which included a total of 317 PE teachers. The questionnaire which was used in this study has been tried out by pilot test with a small sample group of Physical Education teachers in order to check the validity (Wiersma, 2000). The questionnaire included three domains comprising 15 factors related to barriers towards PE assessment. They are the domains for 'Understanding the assessment concept and method', 'Difficulties in implementation' and 'The barrier related to school policy and administration'. The results show that the barriers mainly related to the difficulties in implementation which were affected by the factors of school policy. PE teachers perceived that the PE assessment was of no value for school promotion, was not supported by parents, other colleagues and the school policy in general. Thus, they faced the implementation problems of 'Too busy with school work', 'Insufficient time for PE teaching and assessment' and 'Too many students in each class'. PE teachers found there were fewer problems related to the concept of PE assessment when compared with the above factors. However, over half of the PE teachers did not understand the meaning of formative assessment (56%) and how to implement this approach (66.5%) in their school PE curriculum. Thus, PE teachers will face barriers with the new assessment trend, if they cannot solve the current problems or there is not sufficient support from the school policy. Copyright © 2006 Common Ground, Wan Ka Chan, Kim Wai Raymond Sum, Kwok On Lau.
Original languageEnglish
Pages (from-to)165-170
JournalThe International Journal of Learning
Issue number4
Publication statusPublished - 2006


Chan, W. K., Sum, K. W. R., & Lau, K. O. (2006). Barriers to the implementation of Physical Education (PE) assessment in Hong Kong. The International Journal of Learning, 13(4), 165-170.


  • Physical education curriculum
  • Physical education assessment


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