Background to the Hong Kong education system


Research output: Chapter in Book/Report/Conference proceedingChapters


This chapter provides the reader with an introduction to the Hong Kong education system and the development of teacher education in Hong Kong. It should be noted that descriptions of the Hong Kong education system have been provided in other articles by Coniam and Falvey (see Coniam and Falvey in Validating technological innovation: The introduction and implementation of onscreen marking in Hong Kong. Springer, Singapore, pp. 1–7, 2016; Coniam & Falvey, 2013, vi; Adamson and Li in Education and society in Hong Kong and Macao: Comparative perspectives on continuity and change, The University of Hong Kong, Hong Kong, pp. 35–60, 2004). Readers should not, therefore, be surprised to come across similar descriptions in the current chapter. The authoritative work on the Hong Kong education system pre-1841 to 1941 is Sweeting (Education in Hong Kong pre-1841 to 1941. Hong Kong University Press, Hong Kong, 1990; A phoenix transformed: The reconstruction of education in post-war Hong Kong. Oxford University Press, Hong Kong, 1993). (See also Tang and Bray in Journal of Educational Administration 38(5):468–485, 2000). Copyright © 2018 Springer Nature Singapore Pte Ltd.
Original languageEnglish
Title of host publicationHigh-stakes testing: The impact of the LPATE on English language teachers in Hong Kong
EditorsDavid CONIAM, Peter FALVEY
Place of PublicationSingapore
ISBN (Electronic)9789811063589
ISBN (Print)9789811063572
Publication statusPublished - 2018


Coniam, D., & Falvey, P. (2018). Background to the Hong Kong education system. In D. Coniam & P. Falvey (Eds.), High-stakes testing: The impact of the LPATE on English language teachers in Hong Kong (pp. 37-46). Singapore: Springer.


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