Autonomous vocabulary learning beyond the classroom: New media for learners of Chinese as a second language

Shan WANG, Xiaojun LI

Research output: Chapter in Book/Report/Conference proceedingChapters


Vocabulary plays a vital role in second-language acquisition. Currently, most research only focuses on how to teach and learn Chinese words in class. The autonomy of learners out of class is ignored, and there is no guidance of what and how to learn vocabulary beyond classroom. This study explored autonomous learning beyond the classroom through using new media, which can help learners to enlarge their receptive and productive knowledge of vocabulary, and it is a very important complement to the in-class learning for Chinese as a second-language (CSL) learner. After introducing the reasons that CSL learners require beyond classroom learning and comparing the differences of using new media and textbooks, this study provided a full guidance of learning vocabulary autonomously after class through demonstrating three learning plans for the three types of new media (E-texts, streaming media, and social media), respectively. It also discussed the payoffs and pitfalls and suggested the criteria for selecting learning materials. In this way, students who learn from authentic contexts can greatly improve their language abilities. Copyright © 2017 Springer Nature Singapore Pte Ltd.
Original languageEnglish
Title of host publicationEmerging practices in scholarship of learning and teaching in a digital era
EditorsSiu Cheung KONG, Tak Lam WONG, Min YANG, Cheuk Fai CHOW, Ka Ho TSE
Place of PublicationSingapore
ISBN (Print)9789811033445, 9789811033421, 9811033420
Publication statusPublished - 2017


Wang, S., & Li, X. (2017). Autonomous vocabulary learning beyond the classroom: New media for learners of Chinese as a second language. In S. C. Kong, T. L. Wong, M. Yang, C. F. Chow, & K. H. Tse (Eds.), Emerging practices in scholarship of learning and teaching in a digital era (pp. 199-217). Singapore: Springer.


  • Autonomous learning
  • Vocabulary
  • New media
  • Chinese as a second language (CSL)
  • Beyond the classroom
  • TDG project code: T0170
  • Period: TDG 2015-2016
  • Teaching Development Grant (TDG)
  • Teaching Development Grant (TDG) Output


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