Auditory neuropathy/auditory dys-synchrony in school children with hearing loss: Frequency of occurrence

Tempo P.Y TANG, Bradley MCPHERSON, Chi Pun YUEN, Lena L.N WONG, Juvy S.M LEE

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Objective: The frequency of occurrence of a recently identified hearing disorder, auditory neuropathy/auditory dys-synchrony (AN/AD), was investigated in children with hearing impairment in Hong Kong. Methods: In this study, 56 students, aged 7–18 years, attending primary divisions in schools for the hearing impaired were screened using otoacoustic emission procedures. Results: One student in the study group was found to have intact outer hair cell function. A detailed diagnostic assessment of this case strongly suggested AN/AD was involved. Combining the study results with those of a previously conducted survey in Hong Kong, the frequency of occurrence of AN/AD in children attending schools for the hearing impaired was estimated to be 2.44% (3 out of 123 children screened). Estimates of the frequency of occurrence of AN/AD in various other educational settings in Hong Kong were also derived. Conclusions: The study indicates that AN/AD is not an extremely rare disorder. Educational audiologists and other health care professionals need to be actively involved in the identification and management of AN/AD. Research should be directed at technological innovations that may help to overcome the limitations of present screening procedures, in order to more accurately identify the disorder. Copyright © 2003 Elsevier Ireland Ltd. All rights reserved.
Original languageEnglish
Pages (from-to)175-183
JournalInternational Journal of Pediatric Otorhinolaryngology
Issue number2
Publication statusPublished - Feb 2004


Tang, T. P. Y., McPherson, B., Yuen, K. C. P., Wong, L. L. N., & Lee, J. S. M. (2004). Auditory neuropathy/auditory dys-synchrony in school children with hearing loss: Frequency of occurrence. International Journal of Pediatric Otorhinolaryngology, 68(2), 175-183. doi: 10.1016/j.ijporl.2003.10.004


  • Auditory neuropathy
  • Hearing loss
  • Otoacoustic emissions
  • School children


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