Attention to language knowledge and attention to language use within the English language curriculum

Yuen Kwan Wendy LAM, William Thomas LITTLEWOOD, Yin Mei May PANG, Ching Man LUK, Anne MA, Wai Sze Vivienne YU-LI

Research output: Contribution to conferencePapers


An enduring issue in language teaching in the ESL context is how to develop both learners’ language knowledge and their ability to use it. The colloquium will propose the framework of a study that aims to investigate attention to language knowledge and attention to language use from a teacher development perspective. The purposes, relevance and significance of the study will be presented. Issues underpinning the conceptualization of the study will be discussed and possible research questions will be proposed. The colloquium will then outline a data collection plan involving school-based activities. Presenters will discuss the nature of the data sets, main categories of data analysis, and possible methods of analysis. Last but not least, this interactive colloquium will invite participants to respond to the proposed framework with a view to refining it. The colloquium will also provide a forum for the participants to contribute to our understanding of focus of attention to knowledge and use in language pedagogy. Implications for site-based teacher development in the local context will be explored.
Original languageEnglish
Publication statusPublished - 2004


Lam, W., Littlewood, B., Pang, M., Luk, J., Ma, A., & Yu, V. (2004, December). Attention to language knowledge and attention to language use within the English language curriculum. Paper presented at the International Language in Education Conference 2004: The Way Forward in Language Education, The Hong Kong Institute of Education, China.


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