Assessment, testing, and evaluation: A section introduction

Minhong WANG, Cher Ping LIM, Tzy-Ling CHEN

Research output: Chapter in Book/Report/Conference proceedingChapters

Original languageEnglish
Title of host publicationLearning, design, and technology: An international compendium of theory, research, practice, and policy
EditorsMichael J SPECTOR, Barbara B LOCKEE, Marcus D. CHILDRESS
Place of PublicationCham
ISBN (Electronic)9783319177274
Publication statusE-pub ahead of print - 09 Nov 2020


Wang, M., Lim, C. P., & Chen, T.-L. (2020). Assessment, testing, and evaluation: A section introduction. In M. J. Spector, B. B. Lockee, & M. D. Childress (Eds.), Learning, design, and technology: An international compendium of theory, research, practice, and policy. doi: 10.1007/978-3-319-17727-4_134-1


  • Assessment
  • Testing
  • Evaluation
  • Education
  • Technology