Are general anxiety, reading anxiety, and reading self-concept linked to reading skills among Chinese adolescents with and without dyslexia?

Kevin Kien Hoa CHUNG, Chun Bun Ian LAM, Kevin CHAN, Alfred S. Y. LEE, Cuina Catrina LIU, Li-Chih WANG

Research output: Contribution to journalArticlespeer-review

2 Citations (Scopus)


This study investigated the cross-sectional relationships between reading-related affective and cognitive factors and reading skills among adolescents with and without dyslexia. Participants included 120 Chinese-speaking eighth graders, including 60 adolescents with dyslexia and 60 typically developing adolescents from Hong Kong, China. Adolescents completed questionnaires on general anxiety, reading anxiety, and reading self-concept. They were also assessed on measures of rapid digit naming, verbal working memory, word reading, reading fluency, and reading comprehension. The results showed that readers with dyslexia reported higher levels of general anxiety and reading anxiety and lower levels of reading self-concept than typical readers. They also showed difficulties in rapid digit naming and verbal working memory. Importantly, controlling for rapid digit naming and verbal working memory, reading self-concept was uniquely associated with word reading and reading fluency for readers with and without dyslexia. Furthermore, reading anxiety and reading self-concept were uniquely associated with reading comprehension for the two groups of readers. The findings point to the importance of considering affective factors when examining the reading skills of Chinese readers and the utility of targeting these factors when supporting the learning of adolescents with and without dyslexia. Copyright © 2023 Hammill Institute on Disabilities.

Original languageEnglish
Pages (from-to)106-119
JournalJournal of Learning Disabilities
Issue number2
Early online dateJul 2023
Publication statusPublished - Mar 2024


Chung, K. K. H., Lam, C. B., Chan, K. S.-C., Lee, A. S. Y., Liu, C., & Wang, L.-C. (2024). Are general anxiety, reading anxiety, and reading self-concept linked to reading skills among Chinese adolescents with and without dyslexia? Journal of Learning Disabilities, 57(2), 106-119.


  • Dyslexia
  • Reading anxiety
  • Reading self-concept
  • Chinese adolescents


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