Analysis of syntactic features of Chinese English

Zhichang Marc XU

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25 Citations (Scopus)


English has been going through two major processes in the past thirty years, i.e., English globalization and nativization. As a result, “nativized” Englishes emerge particularly in the “outer” and “expanding” circles (Kachru, 1992), e.g., Indian English, Singaporean English and Chinese English. Chinese English is largely representative of the “expanding” circle nations because of the huge numbers of English learners and users in China. In this paper, I shall adopt a descriptive approach in an attempt to identify and analyze the syntactic features of Chinese English. The identification and analysis are based on Chinese English data, including 36 interviews in English with a total of 72 Chinese university students, 20 English newspaper articles published in China, and 12 short stories written in English by a Chinese migrant novelist currently living in the United States. I shall first propose a number of operational definitions of Chinese English, and syntactic features for the purpose of English variety studies. I shall then establish a framework for analyzing syntactic features of Chinese English. The major part of the paper comprises data analysis for the existing and emerging syntactic features of Chinese English. Copyright © 2008 Taylor & Francis Group, an informa business.
Original languageEnglish
Pages (from-to)4-31
JournalAsian Englishes
Issue number2
Publication statusPublished - 2008


Xu, Z. (2008). Analysis of syntactic features of Chinese English. Asian Englishes, 11(2), 4-31. doi: 10.1080/13488678.2008.10801233


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