An XML data model for inverted image indexing

Wing Wah Simon SO, Clement Kai Man LEUNG, Kwok Chung Philip TSE

Research output: Contribution to conferencePapers


The Internet world makes increasing use of XML-based technologies. In multimedia data indexing and retrieval, the MPEG-7 standard for Multimedia Description Scheme is specified using XML. The flexibility of XML allows users to define other markup semantics for special contexts, construct data-centric XML documents, exchange standardized data between computer systems, and present data in different applications. In this paper, the Inverted Image Indexing paradigm is presented and modeled using XML Schema. Copyright © 2003 The Society of Photo-Optical Instrumentation Engineers.
Original languageEnglish
Publication statusPublished - 2003
EventSPIE: Internet Imaging IV - Raimondo Schettini, Santa Clara, United States
Duration: 01 Jan 200331 Jan 2003


ConferenceSPIE: Internet Imaging IV
Country/TerritoryUnited States
CitySanta Clara


So, S., Leung, C., & Tse, P. (2003, January). An XML data model for inverted image indexing. Paper presented at The SPIE: Internet Imaging IV, Raimondo Schettini, Santa Clara, CA.


  • Visual information retrieval
  • XML schema
  • Inverted image indexing


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